C&M Livento®press / Soprano®10, Advanced Kit, 1 Kit


SKU:  CM08055077 Cendres & Metaux

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C&M Livento®press / Soprano®10, Advanced Kit, 1 Kit

For The demanding dental technician

The Advanced Kit contains special press ingots and veneering materials. The kit is a must for those ceramists who focus on highest individuality and aesthetics.

Perfect fit and stable in shape and color.


The main characteristics of Livento®press lithium disilicate glass ceramic are its homogeneous structure, high strength values and the reliability of the material. When processing Livento®press, the fit and color remain stable so that time-consuming post-processing is no longer necessary.


The Soprano®10 veneering ceramic convinces through easy and time-saving processing. Soprano®10 can be used for the aesthetic veneering of frameworks made of lithium disilicate as well as zirconium dioxide. The thixotropic properties of the Soprano® powder-liquid mixture allow fast and reliable layering: Soprano® is viscous during processing and remains stable after model completion. The color fastness remains stable, even after several firing processes.

Kit contents:

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