breCAM HIPC High Impact Polymer Composite
breCAM HIPC composite blank
The benefits of visio.lign for digital processing.
As a milled veneer or a monolithic, fully anatomical restoration. Unrivalled mechanical & optical properties.
Products and InfosDETAX
3D Freeprint® CROWN
Light-curing, biocompatible resin for the 3D printing of permanent crowns, denture teeth & long-term bridges.
Product and InfosBredent
breCAM HIPC High Impact Polymer Composite
breCAM HIPC composite blank
The benefits of visio.lign for digital processing.
As a milled veneer or a monolithic, fully anatomical restoration. Unrivalled mechanical & optical properties.
Products and InfosDETAX
3D Freeprint® CROWN
Light-curing, biocompatible resin for the 3D printing of permanent crowns, denture teeth & long-term bridges.
Product and InfosWelcome to Impulsedent Australia
Our office hours are:
Mo to Tu 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Friday 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM
Please select...
- Please select...
- Acrylic teeth
- Articulating Material
- Articulator
- Articulator Material
- Attachments
- Blasting material
- Casting
- Casting alloys
- Casting machine
- Cement/Glue/Bonder
- Ceramic
- Ceramic alloys
- Composite
- Composite teeth
- Crown and Bridge
- Denture
- Discs
- Facebow
- Flask
- Furnace
- Impression
- Investment
- Light Curring
- Material
- Model fabrication
- Pekkton press
- Pin Drill
- Platinum foil
- Polishing brushes and pastes
- Polymerization
- Rotating tools
- Sandblaster
- Screw connection
- Separator / Insulator
- Solder
- Steam cleaner
- Tools
- Vibrator
- Wax
- Wax processing
- Wire
- Casting alloys
- Ceramic alloys
- Platinum foil
- Solder
- Wire
- Composite
- Material
- Articulating Material
- Articulator Material
- Attachments
- Blasting material
- Casting
- Cement/Glue/Bonder
- Ceramic
- Composite
- Crown and Bridge
- Denture
- Discs
- Impression
- Investment
- Material
- Model fabrication
- Polishing brushes and pastes
- Rotating tools
- Sandblaster
- Screw connection
- Separator / Insulator
- Tools
- Wax
- Wax processing
- Articulator
- Casting machine
- Cement/Glue/Bonder
- Ceramic
- Composite
- Crown and Bridge
- Denture
- Facebow
- Flask
- Furnace
- Light Curring
- Model fabrication
- Pekkton press
- Pin Drill
- Polymerization
- Sandblaster
- Steam cleaner
- Tools
- Vibrator
- Wax processing
- Acrylic teeth
- Composite teeth
Please select...
- Please select...
- Acrylic Component
- Acrylic tools
- Ag based
- Articulating papers
- Articulator accessoires
- Articulator equipment
- Articulator plates
- Articulator spare parts
- Ball attachments
- Bar attachments
- Blanks
- Bonartic® II NFC+
- Burnout equipment
- Burs
- Casting accessoires
- Casting equipment
- CC Metal Ceramic
- Ceramic Liquid
- Ceramic Tools
- CM-Loc
- Combo.lign
- Composite Tools
- Condyloform® II NFC+
- Crea.lign
- Creapearl
- Creopal
- Creopal Shell
- Crown and Bridge tools
- Denture Material
- Denture Tools
- Diamond grinding tools
- Die spacer / Hardener
- Disposible Articulator
- Duplicating Material
- Facebow accessoires
- Facebow equipment
- Flask equipment
- Furnace accessoires
- Gingiva mask
- High gold content
- Impression Material
- Individual connection
- Investment Material
- Investment rings
- Light Curring equipment
- Mandrel tools
- Membrane Box
- Model resin
- Model system
- Modeling Material
- Non precious alloy
- Novo.lign Veneers
- Pd based
- Pekkton press equipment
- PhysioStar® NFC+
- Pin Drill equipment
- Plaster tools
- Polymerization equipment
- Porcelain and Universal
- Porcelain equipment
- Printing liquid
- Putty / Silicon
- Reduced gold content
- Retention.Sil
- Sandblaster equipment
- Separating disc
- Separator / Insulator material
- Silicium disilicate Ceramic
- Silicium disilicate ingots
- Silicon tools
- Sliding attachments
- Stains and Modifiers
- Steam cleaner accessoires
- Steam cleaner equipment
- VC
- Vibrator equipment
- Wax heater accessoires
- Wax heater equipment
- ZI-CT Zirconium Ceramic
- ZI-F Zirconium Ceramic
- Ag based
- High gold content
- Non precious alloy
- Pd based
- Reduced gold content
- Blanks
- Burs
- Printing liquid
- Acrylic Component
- Acrylic tools
- Articulating papers
- Articulator plates
- Ball attachments
- Bar attachments
- Blanks
- CC Metal Ceramic
- Ceramic Liquid
- Ceramic Tools
- CM-Loc
- Combo.lign
- Composite Tools
- Crea.lign
- Crown and Bridge tools
- Denture Material
- Denture Tools
- Diamond grinding tools
- Die spacer / Hardener
- Disposible Articulator
- Duplicating Material
- Gingiva mask
- Impression Material
- Individual connection
- Investment Material
- Investment rings
- Mandrel tools
- Membrane Box
- Model resin
- Model system
- Modeling Material
- Plaster tools
- Porcelain and Universal
- Putty / Silicon
- Retention.Sil
- Sandblaster equipment
- Separating disc
- Separator / Insulator material
- Silicium disilicate Ceramic
- Silicium disilicate ingots
- Silicon tools
- Sliding attachments
- Stains and Modifiers
- VC
- Wax heater equipment
- ZI-CT Zirconium Ceramic
- ZI-F Zirconium Ceramic
- Articulator accessoires
- Articulator equipment
- Articulator spare parts
- Burnout equipment
- Casting accessoires
- Casting equipment
- Ceramic Tools
- Composite Tools
- Crown and Bridge tools
- Denture Tools
- Facebow accessoires
- Facebow equipment
- Flask equipment
- Furnace accessoires
- Light Curring equipment
- Pekkton press equipment
- Pin Drill equipment
- Polymerization equipment
- Porcelain equipment
- Putty / Silicon
- Sandblaster equipment
- Steam cleaner accessoires
- Steam cleaner equipment
- VC
- Vibrator equipment
- Wax heater accessoires
- Wax heater equipment
- Bonartic® II NFC+
- Condyloform® II NFC+
- Creapearl
- Creopal
- Creopal Shell
- Novo.lign Veneers
- PhysioStar® NFC+
Please select...
- Please select...
- Audent
- Baumann
- Benzer
- Bredent
- Candulor
- Cendres & Metaux
- Creation Willi Geller
- Degos
- Dentsoll
- Dentstar
- Detax
- Effegi
- Individual Supplier
- InventDental
- Lukadent
- Motyl
- Nabertherm
- Sagemax
- Bredent
- Cendres & Metaux
- Lukadent
- Bredent
- Cendres & Metaux
- Degos
- Detax
- Sagemax
- Audent
- Baumann
- Benzer
- Bredent
- Candulor
- Cendres & Metaux
- Creation Willi Geller
- Dentsoll
- Detax
- Effegi
- Individual Supplier
- InventDental
- Lukadent
- Motyl
- Baumann
- Benzer
- Bredent
- Candulor
- Cendres & Metaux
- Creation Willi Geller
- Dentstar
- Effegi
- Lukadent
- Nabertherm
- Bredent
- Candulor
- Creation Willi Geller